One concern that was brought up was the issue of “spirit possession.” I confess a level of ignorance about this subject, so I listened carefully, hoping to learn from his experience. This pastor has been talking with a lady who visited his church, and has been sharing the gospel with her, and has heard of spirits in her house. This pastor reported to the group that he didn’t believe she is “possessed”, but that the house may be. He took another area pastor into the home, and they prayed in the home, and he did sense something almost evil, especially in an upstairs room.
The story goes that someone who lived in that home many years ago practiced witchcraft. Now there seems to be a spirit in that home that is not of God. As I heard this pastor, I looked around the table at the other pastors gathered. I wondered how many believed him, and how many thought he was nuts. The later might be a more expected response in this day. Most don’t believe in “spirits” that might come and take possession of us or our homes. That was medieval drivel. We are far too intellectual for that.
Yet Scripture speaks of spirit possessions, and demon possessions. Jesus and many of the Apostles cast out demons and evil spirits. We all but ignore them today – but I think they are real. I think they are out there. And I think that we should be more serious about avoiding them.
In fact, I think that we are all possessed in one way or another, by some spirit. If the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of the Living God, does not possess us, then we are influenced, even possessed, by the worldly, evil spirits around us.
Which spirit has the most influence over you?
1 comment:
There have been days when so many things went wrong in the house that I opened a door and loudly ordered the bad spirit out. Surprisingly, it seemed to work!
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