“Come to me, all you who labor and are heavy laden,
and I will give you rest.”
Matthew 11:28
As I was working on the message for Easter, and our new series titled Got Junk, I came across this. Richard Clancy, lead pastor at Daystar Church in Georgia, wrote it.
He gave us something to think about. We all want to come to Jesus, right? I’m assuming if you’re reading the blog of a pastor, you probably want to either be with Jesus or learn more about how to come to Jesus. I was preparing the message for church on a
Sunday morning, on Easter morning, and i was thinking that certainly if someone comes to church on Easter it’s because they want to come to Jesus, or at least learn more about coming to Jesus.
But Clancy said that maybe you think that you’ve got all these
burdens; and you need to lay them at Jesus’ feet. But Jesus said, Come to me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. So think about it this way, if we have come to Jesus, then He has already given
us His rest. So if you have no rest in your life, maybe that’s a sign that you have no Jesus in your life. Maybe it's a sign that you really haven't come to Jesus yet.
I was convicted by this. Especially the days and weeks leading up to Easter, things seem to go by so quickly, and we're, and least I, am so busy. But if you're convicted by this too, I encourage you give this some thought. Reflect on it, pray on it. And leave a comment.