As I was looking for a file that I save my writings in, I found a number of old files that could have been deleted long ago.
I found an insert for a Church in the Park service that was held in August (last August!). I found Posters and letters from long ago. I found pictures that I have used in various applications that have long since been deleted.
I found that if you don’t keep on top of things, they will fill up. Disks will become cluttered, and computers will work much slower. When they work slower, they just don’t function as they should.
I suppose this is a principal that applies to a lot more than computers. I think attics and garages can fill up the same way. Every year or so, it’s a good idea to take a day or so (it’s always the ‘or so’ for us) and do some cleaning out. Otherwise, attics and garages can no longer be used.
Our lives are like that, too. Our lives can fill up, just like our computers, just like our garages and attics. When our lives fill up, they can no longer be used – they’re just to full for anything else. Schedules won’t permit those things we used to enjoy. We’re to busy for anything else.
How can God call on you if you don’t have any time? How can God use you if you’re too busy already? And how can you claim to be fully surrendered to Him, if you’re so busy yourself?
Take a day or two and clean our your lives. Start with your schedule – what activities, appointments, functions, might actually be preventing you from doing things that God might be calling you to? What activities might you be able to do without? Remember that we all have the same amount of time in a day, those that accomplish more in that time are just better at sifting through and getting rid of the fluff – the stuff that’s not necessary.
After cleaning and clearing your schedule, look at your mind – what are you filling your mind with? Are you watching things on TV, reading things, hearing things (speakers, radio, etc) that might be drawing you away from the Lord? Make sure enough of the things of the Lord get in that your mind is filled with the Lord. If you fill it with other things, your life is filled with other things, and you can’t be surrendered to the Lord if you are filled with other things.
God wants us fully surrendered to Him. He can’t use us unless we are fully surrendered to Him. But sometimes we let things become cluttered with other things.
Is it time to “clean-up” your life?
I found an insert for a Church in the Park service that was held in August (last August!). I found Posters and letters from long ago. I found pictures that I have used in various applications that have long since been deleted.
I found that if you don’t keep on top of things, they will fill up. Disks will become cluttered, and computers will work much slower. When they work slower, they just don’t function as they should.
I suppose this is a principal that applies to a lot more than computers. I think attics and garages can fill up the same way. Every year or so, it’s a good idea to take a day or so (it’s always the ‘or so’ for us) and do some cleaning out. Otherwise, attics and garages can no longer be used.
Our lives are like that, too. Our lives can fill up, just like our computers, just like our garages and attics. When our lives fill up, they can no longer be used – they’re just to full for anything else. Schedules won’t permit those things we used to enjoy. We’re to busy for anything else.
How can God call on you if you don’t have any time? How can God use you if you’re too busy already? And how can you claim to be fully surrendered to Him, if you’re so busy yourself?
Take a day or two and clean our your lives. Start with your schedule – what activities, appointments, functions, might actually be preventing you from doing things that God might be calling you to? What activities might you be able to do without? Remember that we all have the same amount of time in a day, those that accomplish more in that time are just better at sifting through and getting rid of the fluff – the stuff that’s not necessary.
After cleaning and clearing your schedule, look at your mind – what are you filling your mind with? Are you watching things on TV, reading things, hearing things (speakers, radio, etc) that might be drawing you away from the Lord? Make sure enough of the things of the Lord get in that your mind is filled with the Lord. If you fill it with other things, your life is filled with other things, and you can’t be surrendered to the Lord if you are filled with other things.
God wants us fully surrendered to Him. He can’t use us unless we are fully surrendered to Him. But sometimes we let things become cluttered with other things.
Is it time to “clean-up” your life?