Thursday, August 23, 2007

Being Led on the Way...

This week I am reflecting on the lessons for the week of camp. Today we will look at the second day's focus – being "Led on the Way." The devotion for the second day looked at the Exodus of the Israelites out of Egypt, and how God led them with a pillar of cloud by day, and fire by night.

We saw how God was with them, even when they complained and didn’t follow. He continued to lead. We talked about how God might lead us today, and the importance of knowing where He is leading, and being open to following His leading. I would like you to reflect with me for a couple of minutes on how God leads you. I don’t imagine He uses a pillar of cloud or fire with you as He did with the Israelites. He isn't usually that obvious. Yet, if we know Him, we will know where He is leading. How does he get your attention? How does He speak to you? How does He lead you?

When our campers reflected on this, they reported that they usually get a feeling that they should do something. We talked about these feelings, that they usually come during or after prayer times, or during or after times of Scripture reading. We talked about the importance of running these feelings past a trusted friend – maybe a parent, a pastor, or a believer that you feel comfortable sharing with. Sometimes these feelings come from sources other than God, so it’s good to test them. But it is true that is how God often leads.

Be attentive to His leading in your life. Watch for those feelings, test them, then be obedient. If you are a believer, He is trying to lead you. Are you seeing Him? Hearing Him? Following Him?

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