Monday, August 6, 2007

Daily maintenance...

If you’re like me, it’s the day-to-day stuff that gets difficult. I like to dream big, and set up things in big steps. Usually these things require regular maintenance, and that’s where I struggle.

A great example is our church website. Last night I spent hours updating the site, and even added a new section for Church News. We had a coming events tab, but after the event, there was no place to report how the event went. This Church News tab will do that.

It wouldn’t have taken hours if I were better at keeping it up at least weekly. It had gone over a month, and was quite outdated. The problem is, while a website is a great tool for telling people about the church, an outdated website tells them a lot also. An outdated website can actually hurt a church. It can imply the church is outdated, or that it doesn’t take care of things. If we are committed to using a website to tell people about the church, that website has to be current.

This web blog is perhaps another example. My daily thoughts aren’t always daily – more often than not they average out to ever other daily… The day-to-day maintenance is the tough stuff.

Of course, our faith is the same way. It’s great to stand up in church and proclaim your faith, to respond to a message, an alter call, to make a commitment to get serious about God. But that’s a lot easier than living your decision. Making a proclamation of faith and getting serious about God requires us to live that decision in the day-to-day stuff that we struggled through before. That decision won’t mean anything to us if we don’t. So, how do we do it???

We need to be serious in our daily Scripture reading and in our prayer. If we aren’t serious about it everyday, pretty soon, we’ve missed several days, and we’re lost. These practices, reading Scripture daily and regular prayer, when done regularly, will bring us closer to God. But when we miss a few days, we begin to drift away again. There is no status quo in our faith, we are either growing in the Lord, or we are falling away.

Just as failing to maintain a web site can hurt a church, failing to maintain our daily practices can hurt a believer. The day-to-day stuff may be the hardest, but when we are faithful daily, that’s when we grow.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I find it helps to read the bible and pray early in the morning. It is a good way to start the day. Also its good to finish the day that way too. I think we should pray a lot between morning and night as well.
Thanks for updating the church webb site.

Faith First

  Then Peter said, “Silver or gold I do not have, but what I do have I give you. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, walk.”  Taking him...