Friday, September 19, 2008


Here it is Friday, and this is my first venture onto the Blog for the week… So much for Daily Reflections. My apologies.

I did want to pass along last weeks sermon message. We did a FROG Sunday, and it was a lot of fun. The theme was frogs. We have song lyrics on the wall for each of our songs, and in between the songs we usually have a blank screen so that nothing shows. In keeping with the frog theme, this week we had pictures of frogs on the wall between songs.

We really did up the frog theme, but never mentioned why. The sermon message talked of Solomon, David, and Paul, and how they relied on God. Then we got to the frogs.

I encouraged people to think of FROG as an acronym for Fully Rely On God. Every time they see a frog, remember to fully rely on God. We even gave out little novelty frogs and encouraged people to put them someplace they will see them regularly during the day, and each time they see them, to be reminded to fully rely on God.

The Bible of full of heroes that aren’t any different than you or me, except they remember always to Fully Rely On God.

To read the message, or to hear it – our audio links are back – click on the title below.

9-14 FROG Sunday

Thanks for reading.

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