I shared this with my wife the other day and she asked, “Are you sure it isn’t on your dresser?” Of course I was sure, that’s where I would put it at night. That’s the first place I looked. I looked there several time. I had just looked there when she asked that ridiculous question. She must have thought I was a real dummy. Of course, then she looked on the dresser, and found it rather quickly. Handing it to me, she said, “You really need to clean off your dresser…” Maybe she was right, maybe I need to clean off my dresser (or maybe I am a real dummy!).
I don’t know about you, but for me, dressers are a real place to store all those things that you don’t really know what to do with. Another great place is that shelf right by the back door! The problem is, when stuff gathers, other stuff gets lost.
The same is true in life. We store up lots of emotional stuff. Past hurts. Memories. If only’s. The problem is, when stuff gathers, other stuff gets lost.
What important lessons in life have you lost because too much other stuff has accumulated? What lessons of faith have been hidden? Is God even visible anymore? Perhaps it’s time to clean…
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