I was at a lunch meeting yesterday with a pastor from another local church, and we were talking about some of the struggles in motivating our church members for service. There are only a few who are really willing to come out and participate in the ministries of our respective churches. Why is that?
What came out of the discussion was that we have become so individualistic in our culture. We value the individual over the community. Therefore, individual needs and wants can take a back seat to community needs, and churches are no exception. Church is community!
As I think this out a little more, I see as further examples the fact that Almond no longer has a summer music series in the park, because the person that was doing it for years has given it up, and no one could be found to take it over. Volunteer Fire Departments all over are looking for members, their numbers dwindling. Every community organization is seeing a decrease in numbers. More and more we see people aren’t volunteering like they used to.
But they aren’t staying home, either. Kids at sporting events, recreation activities, we’re busier than ever, doing those things we want, filling our needs, while leaving huge holes in the community – including church community.
What’s the answer? I don’t know for sure, but it seems to me that living in community – whether a village or a church community – means giving up some of our individual wants and desires for the good of the community. Perhaps we’ve missed that…
Jesus called people to give up everything and follow Him. Paul wrote about dying to self so we can live for Christ. We can’t follow Christ while clinging to our independence. And as long as we continue trying, the church will suffer…
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