Tuesday, February 5, 2008


I got to thinking this morning about the choices that we make. The Indeed devotion (Walk Through the Bible), discussed choices and got me to thinking...

I have long told people that they are right where they want to be in life. Most will disagree. But if you think about it, you are where you are because of the choices that you make. Some disagree with that statement also, saying that others have done things to them - that's why they are where they are. They are victims. That victim mentality is fairly prevelant in our society. But event then, I disagree. How you choose to respond to what they do has as much to do with the outcome as what they do to you. So still, our choices (how we will respond to others attempts to control us) are really the most important aspect.

Here's another thought about choices: Our choices are tests.

God gives us choices to test us - to see what is most important in our lives. Will we choose Him? Will we choose our own pleasures? Will we choose what is easiest? Will we choose what's most fun? Or will we stand firm and choose what is righteous.

If the first part is true, that the choices we make today mold us into who we become tomorrow, will the choices we make today mold us into the person God has called us to be?

God is watching every choice you make. And every choice will tell Him how committed you really are.

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Faith First

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