Pilate asked him, “ So you are a king?” Jesus answered, “You say that I am a king. For this I was born, and for this I came into the world, to testify to the truth. Everyone who belongs to the truth listens to my voice.”
Pilate asked him, “What is truth?”
-John 18:37-38a
As a Christian, I do believe that Jesus is coming back one day. And I believe that day will be coming fairly soon. While I have many reasons for believing this, one reason is that society is more and more mirroring society at the time of Christ’s first coming.
The conversation in the above quote was between Jesus and Pontius Pilate on the night of his arrest. The chief priests had decided to have him executed, but they wanted the Romans to do it, so they dragged Jesus before Pilate.
Pilate’s response could have easily taken place today in this time we call “Post Modernism.” One of the characteristics of Post-Modernism is the perceived lack of universal truth. What is true for you might not be true for me. Pilate’s sarcastic response, “What is truth?” could be echoed by people on the streets of Almond today.
What Pilate should have known, we also should know. There is such a thing as universal truth. And while Pilate might not have recognized it, we can. Jesus Christ is Truth. He is the Truth that sets us free! He is the Truth that we as believers base our lives on. He is the ultimate Truth that the world will be judged against.
So while many are wondering, “What is Truth?” we can know Truth. And perhaps our opportunity to share our faith can come by explaining that truth to those who express that wonder…
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