Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Are you lighting an already well-lit room?

I heard an interview on the radio the other day with Chris Rice, a popular Christian singer/songwriter. Chris talked about what influence prompted a particular song that he had written, and he was describing the need for Christians to get out of the comfort zone, and out of their church buildings, and into their community.

Jesus didn’t call us to minister only to the saved. Christ himself came to seek and to save the lost, and that’s what He wants us to be doing. We don’t find too many lost in our churches. So what are we doing to find them?
A passage that keeps showing up for me lately is where Christ tells His disciples that you are the light of the world. Let that light shine! But most importantly, let it shine where it is needed the most – in the darkness. Our churches are already well-lit places.

Make sure to take your light into the darkness of the community where it will do the most good.

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