This post, as was the last, was written by Chuck McNight of Fathlife Blog (
Last week we examined five of the most common mistakes made when studying the Bible. Today, we’re going to cover five more.
5. Missing the historical setting
Contrary to popular belief, the Bible was not written to twenty-first
century Americans. Each book of the Bible was written by a specific
person, to a specific group of people, in a specific culture, at a
specific time, and for a specific purpose. If we miss these details, we
are likely to misunderstand much of what we are reading. The Faithlife
Study Bible includes much of this information in the introductions to
books of the Bible. For even greater detail, I would recommend adding
the IVP Bible Background Commentary: New Testament (and Old Testament) to your FSB.
4. Assuming modern definitions of biblical words
Very few Greek or Hebrew words have an exact English equivalent. So
we have to remember that the English words in a translation may not mean
exactly the same thing as the original Greek or Hebrew. One way to get
around this obstacle is to do a word study, examining every occurrence
of a particular word in the Bible to see how it is used therein.
However, this method is time consuming. A quicker way is to use a tool
such as Vine’s Complete Expository Dictionary of Old and New Testament Words.
This dictionary is a collection of such studies on almost every major
word in the Bible. It makes it easy to understand what a given word
actually means when used in the Bible. Add it to your FSB for easy
3. Failing to understand the genre
The Bible is made up of 66 different books, and they include many
different genres of literature. There are epistles and narratives, poems
and parables, instances of wisdom literature and apocalyptic
literature, and a host of other specific styles. Keeping them all
straight can be confusing, but it’s a vital part of understanding what
we read. Thankfully, there are tools to help us here as well. One great
resource to add to your FSB is How to Read the Bible Book by Book. It provides an overview for each book of the Bible—including the genre—along with a number of other important details.
2. Ignoring biblical context
All too often, we read the Bible as if it were a collection of
unconnected verses. A single verse taken by itself can appear to mean
something totally contrary to the author’s intent. We wouldn’t skip to a
sentence in the middle of Moby Dick and expect it to make sense, so why do we do this with the Bible? One good example is Jeremiah 29:11.
This verse is frequently claimed as a promise for God’s specific
blessing on an individual. But when we look at the context, we see that
God was talking to the Israelites, whom he had sent into exile for their
sins. Only after being in exile for 70 years would God bring them back
to prosperity. Those are “the plans I have for you” according to
Jeremiah’s full context.
1. Studying for the wrong reasons
It is easy to view Bible study as an intellectual exercise. But
acquiring information about the Bible is not a proper end in itself.
Paul described the purpose of Scripture: “that the man of God may be
complete, equipped for every good work” (2 Timothy 3:17).
If our studies do not equip us for good works, then they are
unprofitable studies. As we read the Bible, our goal must be to
ultimately apply it to our lives.
These mistakes are easy to make, but they can be avoided. Let’s all
continue studying Scripture together, and continue living it out every
Tuesday, December 31, 2013
Thursday, December 19, 2013
Don't make these 10 Common Mistakes with your Bible Study (part 1)
Today's post is written by Chuck McNight of the Faithlife Blog (
We know we ought to be studying the Scriptures, but sometimes we don't know how. Here are five of the 10 most common Bible Study mistakes to avoid.
10. Starting without prayer
We know we ought to be studying the Scriptures, but sometimes we don't know how. Here are five of the 10 most common Bible Study mistakes to avoid.
10. Starting without prayer
The Bible is unlike any other book because it was inspired by God himself. Paul told us that “the things of the Spirit of God . . . are spiritually discerned” (1 Corinthians 2:14), and Jesus said that the Spirit guides us into the truth (John 16:13). We have access to God through prayer, so we should be looking to him for guidance as we seek to understand his Scriptures. It doesn’t matter what incredible resources and study tools we use if we do not first go to God.
9. Studying by yourself
Scripture was intended to be read and studied in community. We’ve all but lost sight of that in our modern individualistic culture. I’m not saying it’s wrong to do personal study—there is definitely a time and place for that. But if we study on our own in exclusion to studying with others, we’ll miss out on the rich insights the community of God has to offer. Additionally, we all need the checks and balances of other believers to keep us accountable. So do your personal study, but then bring what you learn to a group setting and discuss it together. You can also facilitate your group studies by using Fathlife Community Notes.
8. Bringing preconceptions to the text
It is tempting to read the Bible selectively, trying to prove an idea we already believe to be true. If we come to the Scriptures with a predetermined conclusion, we can force them to say whatever we want. That might make us feel better, but it won’t be doing us any good. Rather, we should open the Bible with humility, knowing that some of our beliefs are wrong and ought to be changed. We must let the text speak for itself without forcing our own preconceptions on it.
7. Reading from only one perspective
Similar to the above mistake, it is tempting to only use study resources we already agree with. But this severely limits our spiritual growth. I’ve found that those whose perspectives differ from my own often have the most to teach me. When Logos selected contributors to write the notes and articles in the Faithlife Study Bible, we wanted to avoid getting stuck in one particular viewpoint. So we reached out to a wide range of different theologians. You’ll find contributions from such men as Timothy Keller, N. T. Wright, and everywhere in between. They all share a love for God, but their differing perspectives bring unique insights to the Scriptures.
6. Using only one translation
We’ve discussed this point on the blog before, but it’s worth repeating. Different Bible versions follow different translation philosophies. The basic categories include formal equivalence (seeking word-for-word accuracy), dynamic equivalence (seeking thought-for-thought accuracy), and paraphrases (rewriting the overall message). Furthermore, the Greek and Hebrew texts have many nuances that can’t be captured by a single translation. If you don’t read Greek or Hebrew, comparing multiple translations can help you see the various nuances each passage has to offer. While Ray recommended pairing the NASB with NLT or the ESV with NIrV, my personal preference would be to pair the NET with the LEB.
* * *
Have you made any of these mistakes before? I know I have. Let’s learn from our past mistakes. What steps can we take to avoid them in the future? Let us know in the comments below, and be sure to come back next week to see five more common Bible study mistakes to avoid.
Wednesday, December 18, 2013
The Conquering Child
Here is a recent devotion from EPIC Ministries I think you'll enjoy...
"Do not think that I came to bring peace on earth. I did
not come to bring
peace, but a sword." Matthew 10:34
those who visit our home during this month each year quickly realize this is
our favorite time of the year. As soon as they enter they are greeted
with a wide array of colorful seasonal displays which all promote the joy of
the season and celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
There is, however, one mandatory requirement that must be met to gain
entry: you must leave your gloomy faces and any ‘Bah Humbug’ attitudes at
the front door. No Scrooges are allowed in this place dedicated to
celebrating the coming of our King. Joy to the world the Lord is
come! Let earth receive her King!
are many reasons why I particularly love this time of year. I love how
the END of each year is always marked with the celebration of the birth of the
One Who is the Beginning of all things. No matter what the year has
brought to our lives, good or bad, we end the year by celebrating the One Who
orders our steps and causes all things to work together for our good and His
glory. What an awesome way to get prepared for the coming year.
Then, I love watching how the birth of one small Child born of a virgin in a
stable in Bethlehem centuries ago continues to radically impact all of society,
especially at this time every year. Looking at things from a completely
different viewpoint I find it humorous watching the man size attempts so many
make to suppress or change the real reason for the season. No matter how
hard they try their efforts are always in vain. Nativity scenes continue
to abound, Christmas programs continue to dominate television, the smell of
freshly cut Christmas trees wafts through countless parking lots across the
land, families are uniting around food, fun, secret family recipes and
overblown stories of Christmas’s past, Christmas songs are played in every
store and business, neighborhoods all throughout our cities and towns are
transformed into spectacular displays of lights and ornaments of all sizes and
shapes, and it’s all because UNTO US A CHILD IS BORN, UNTO US A SON IS
GIVEN! Hallelujah!
I love the fact that at this time of the year even the naysayers cannot deny
that something special happens throughout the land, and the singular reason for
the change is the birth of the Christ Child. Year after year from
Thanksgiving to New Years tens of millions of people become infatuated all over
again with the story of a meek and mild little Child Who was born in a lowly
manger. After all, who doesn’t love a perfect story about a perfect BABY?
Conversely, I find people during this time of the year more approachable and
accessible when sharing the Gospel with them. At the same time I realize
the window of opportunity will close with the beginning of the New Year.
Just because people believe Jesus came as a little Child in no way means they
know Him as their Lord and Savior. Pondering all this reminded me of the
old spiritual ‘Sweet Little Jesus Boy’ made famous by Mahalia Jackson.
little Jesus boy, born in a manger.
little Holy child. We didn't know Who You were.
Didn't know you’d Come to save us all, to take Our sins
Our eyes were blind, we did not see. We didn't know Who You were.
Our eyes were blind, we did not see. We didn't know Who You were.
lyrics to that old song identified where people were in 1934 and correctly
identifies where they still are today. The multitudes who are presently
infatuated with the Child lying in a manger in reality still have no idea Who
He is or why He came.
let me ask you, Do you know Who He is and why He came? If you are not
careful you, too, might overlook the fact this little Child is not like any
other baby that’s ever been born. This little Child didn’t come to just
be cuddled, but in fact He came to Conquer! Those who momentarily embrace
Him as a Child must come to see and embrace Him as the Conqueror. This
Child came as the Deliverer, Redeemer and Savior for all those who choose to
believe in Him and His purpose among men. Make no mistake, this little
Child has emerged from the manger and is the Living terror of hell. The once
meek and mild Baby is now the Destroyer of every sinister scheme that could
ever be conjured or formed against those who place their hope and allegiance in
Him. The sweet little Child is the incarnate Sword of Heaven Who has
pierced the deceptive armor of Satan and forever overcome the wicked scourge
that held all mankind captive. Worthy is the Lamb!
Tuesday, December 3, 2013
The Beginning of Advent...
December 1, began the Advent Season. While
the retail world has been preparing their store displays for Christmas for
several weeks now, pretty much since before Halloween, and they saw it begin
with earnest on Black Friday, we see the Christmas Season as officially
beginning Sunday, December 1, the first Sunday in Advent. And as they see it as a chance to
dramatically increase sales before the year-end, we see it as a chance to
prepare ourselves again for the second coming of our Messiah.
I love
Advent. It is a holy time of year for
me. A chance to reflect on God Himself
becoming human, being born in the most unholy of circumstances. Truly becoming one of us, even one of the
least of us. Yet inside, He was still fully
God. Living on the outside just as you
or I might have, yet, pure and holy. Our
divine Lord.
But not only
do have the promise that He was coming, we have the promise that He is coming
again. And Advent reminds us of
that. And it gives us an opportunity to
make ourselves ready. Three quick ways
to do this: first, we identify with
Christ by getting baptized and becoming a member of his church. This shows that we are a part of His body,
the church family. We need to commit to
him, and to his family.
Second, we
live by the qualities Jesus lived by while he was here on earth; these are
love, humility, truth, and service to others.
In other words, we sort of role-play what Jesus would do if He were in
our situation. We try to become
imitators of Christ, regularly asking ourselves, “What Would Jesus Do?”
And thirdly,
we watch ourselves carefully, so we don’t fall into any sin. We work on our discipline, we become more self-controlled,
we stand up to sin – we don’t give in. We
need to monitor this carefully, because sin starts with a tiny temptation. We need to make sure we avoid any little thing
that might open the door to sin. When we
work on these three things, we will be ready for his return.
William Coffin once said, “We have learned to soar through the air like birds, to swim through the
seas like fish, to soar through space like comets. Now it is high time we
learned to walk the earth as the children of our God.” This advent season, make sure you’re ready
for his return. Make sure you’re walking
as one of his children.
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