Thursday, July 17, 2008

Receiving eagerly, examining daily...

One of my favorite New Testament passages on living the Christian life is found in Acts 17. Paul had just left Thessalonica, where his message was rejected, and he was very practically chased out of town.

The next place he stopped was in Berea, a small town just a few miles southeast of Thessalonica. He found the Bereans much more agreeable, and he was allowed to speak freely there. The passage that Luke writes about it was this, “the Bereans were of much more noble character than the Thessalonians, for they received the message with eagerness and examined the Scriptures everyday to see if what Paul said was true” (Acts 17:11).

I love that. I love that the Bereans were that way. But I also love that Luke included that in the book of Acts. Because I think that it speaks so much to us today. Don’t just believe everything you hear. But don’t discard much of what you hear because you don’t like it, either. Research it. Examine the Scriptures daily to see if it’s true.

That message can apply to almost anything that we do today. If the Scriptures are silent on a particular subject, chances are they contain a principal from another subject that will help you discern the truth. But you have to know them. You have to examine them daily.

Do your part. Read the Scriptures. God will direct you from there, and help you understand.

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Faith First

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